During this season of harvest and gratitude, we at Voices for Earth Justice offer a prayer of deep appreciation for our donors, staff members, collaborators, and volunteers.
This year we have connected with you in our gardens, children's programs, interfaith prayer gatherings, environmental justice work, workshops, and pot lucks. Thank you so much for participating with your presence and other forms of support! Partnering with people and organizations who want to save the planet and who share their resources makes the day-to-day miracles of life happen. We are looking forward to 2017, believing that together we will ensure a more just world for our children and grandchildren. We rely on your annual financial support. Will you help us continue our good work by sending us a check or donating on line through our web site? THANK YOU, AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING from all of us at Voices for Earth Justice Exploring Permaculture Our garden designer and program manager Naim Edwards took a few weeks off in September and October for a permaculture design course in Missouri. Permaculture is a system of agricultural and social design principles centered on simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems. The course was hosted at the Peace and Permaculture Center by the Possibility Alliance. Naim spent two weeks sleeping in a tent on a 160 acre wooded savannah site with no running water or electricity learning how humans can better live in harmony with one another and nature. Permaculture is an approach to food production that is intended to be self-sufficient and self sustaining. The course was almost divided 50/50 between hard, technical skills and "harder" social skills like conflict resolution. Naim was awakened by music every morning before dawn to a day filled with learning sessions, reflection, and just living outside. He returned from the Permaculture Design Course with new knowledge, ideas, and skills to apply at Hope House and our outreach work in Detroit! VEJ Cofounder on "Going Green in Warren"Watch Voices for Earth Justice cofounder Patty Gillis on the TV program "Going Green in Warren" discussing faith-based environmentalism, including VEJ's work and Laudato Si: https://vimeo.com/album/2519140/video/189196015 or watch below:
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December 2021